Christopher Richards : Questions of Reverie

Take an opportunity to wash yourself in muted tones and abstracted shapes. Christopher Richards' Questions of Reverie presents the muted, sometimes austere and elegant lines/colors that emerge from the human mind.
Christopher says of his work: “My paintings are meditations on how events and thoughts can linger or chip away at mental and emotional stability... Much of my work comes out of personal insecurities and the boundaries I place to protect myself. The paintings can show just how vulnerable the psyche can be, but also its strength and resiliency.”
CAN Journal
The Artist:
Christopher L. Richards works in photography, paint, and printmaking. He trained in art and design at LaGrange College in Georgia, where he found a passion for the grid, applying it to both commercial design and fine art. With geometry being an underlying commonality between small but diverse bodies of work, Richards is drawn to subjects of place and the structures — both literal and figurative — in which we live. Capturing abandoned retail spaces, decaying industrial buildings, modern architecture, and collapsing barns on film produced abstracted meditative images that began to appear in his paintings. A move closer to non-objective abstraction came during his studies for a master’s in Art History from Kent State University. While Richards views his primary art as that of curation, he injects art historical references into his paintings and photography. These works deal with structures of consumerism, internal mental and emotional turmoil, and the seeming collapse of the utopian dream.